Maison DermoCosmetica
Made in Italy cosmetics, cutting-edge in terms of efficacy and tolerability and made with sustainable packaging designed for Aesthetic Medicine centers and Beauty Institutes
Beauty Injection
Cosmetics specifically formulated for the recovery and regeneration of the skin after Aesthetic Medicine treatments. This line is designed to support the skin in the healing process and optimize the results of the treatments.
Light Up Your Beauty
We imagined a Maison DermoCosmetica capable of nourishing the body and soul through a careful selection of Made in Italy cosmeceuticals.

Our reality
Wikirose invests day after day in improving skin health by promoting the use of cosmeceuticals capable of acting on both the structure and function of the skin to restore normal cellular functioning.
Our selection
Discover our special editions to make your beauty unique.
Our events
Stay up to date on all upcoming events
Roaring Night Party
March 21, 2024
Villa Brasini, Rome
An event dedicated to scientific research and the Gene Foundation that takes care of children in the Neurosurgery department of Gemelli hospital.
March 22, 2024
Vip Extension - Piazzale Filippo Il Macedone 89, 00124 Rome
Open Day of Maderoterapia : an innovative massage technique that uses wooden tools to stimulate and correct body imperfections. Event promoted by Vip Extension in collaboration with Wikirose .
Facial Biostimulation
June 1, 2024
DL32 Dentalife Clinic - Via Aristide Carabelli,23/31 - 00121 (Ostia Lido) Rome
Come and try our Beauty Injection line during the day dedicated to facial stimulation.
Stay up to date with all the Wikirose beauty tips.

Come la skincare Post-Trattamento Influisce sulla soddisfazione del paziente
Nel settore della medicina estetica, il successo di un trattamento non si misura soltanto dai risultati visibili, ma anche dall’esperienza complessiva del paziente. Per molti, l'attenzione che ricevono durante il...

Il ruolo della consulenza sulla skincare post-trattamento nella fidelizzazione dei pazienti
Nel mondo della medicina estetica, il rapporto tra medico e paziente non si esaurisce con la conclusione di un trattamento. Un elemento fondamentale per fidelizzare i pazienti e favorire il...